Learn Basic Japanese i-yb[

Common Expressions Romanji
Please (when asking for a favour) onegai-shimasu
Please. Here you are dozo
Thank you very much. arigato gozaimasu
A little, for a moment chotto
Please wait matte kudasai
No it isn't. You are wrong. chigaimasu
Excuse me. sumimasen
Well. Ok. ja
Please give me this. kore o kudasai
I see (when making agreeable responses) so desu ne
Days of a week  
Sunday nichi-yobi
Monday getsu-yobi
Tuesday ka-yobi
Wednesday sui-yobi
Thursday moku-yobi
Friday kin-yobi
Saturday do-yobi
What day of the week nan-yobi
Tuna maguro
Horse mackeral aji
Salmon sake
Octopus tako
Shrimp, prawn, lobster ebi
Cuttlefish, squid ika
Hiragana Chart
Katakana Chart