(5-8-1996 to 31-3-2000)

Written by Yen ©

SPEED was a very popular all-girl j-pop group that was formed in 1995. They released their first debut single titled "Body & Soul" on 5th Aug 1996. This song immediately became a great hit in Japan and very soon they released their second maxi single "Steady" on 18th Nov that same year.

SPEED was made up of 4 very pretty Okinawan girls, each unique in their own ways. Throughout these 1335 of SPEED days, SPEED had brought lots & lots of great music and fantastic dances to all their fans worldwide.

Although SPEED had now disbanded with each member pursuing their own careers as well as studies, I believe the SPEED SPIRITS will never die out and will forever live in all their fans' hearts!!!

SPEED = Hiroko Shimabukuro + Eriko Imai +

Takako Uehara + Hitoe Arakaki